TTC after 35

I wish I was sleeping better - this is messing up temping!

I hav been having major sleep issues the past couple weeks.  I fall asleep fine, but then can't stay asleep.  Not helping with my temping at all.  I guess I am glad for few things - 1 - I have several good months of charting and I have a better idea when I typically O, 2 - I bought a bunch of Wondfos OPKs and I get positives for 2 days so that gives me a good heads up, and 3 - my CM has been consitant with temps and OPKs.   So I guess 2 of 3 indicators ain't bad.  Just hoping being overtired for so long doesn't have a big impact on my cycle.  Hoping for an O around Christmas - would be the best gift ever.

Any suggestions to help with sleeping?  I limit my caffiene to 2 cans in the AM (well, 3 this week with the lack of sleep) - no coffee, just soda.  I don't do anything energetic after 8pm (I need to get up about 5am and try to get to bed between 9 and 10).  I don't have a little one waking me up in the middle of the night like some of you do.  Anyone know if melatonin is ok while TTC?  The body produces it anyways....

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