Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Awake for long time, then looong nap - normal?

Sorry, I realize there have been tons of sleeping posts recently. DS has been falling into a pattern where he's up around 7:30am and pretty much stats awake until 12-1:00. Then he takes a long (3+ hours) nap and is then up for another 4 hours or so before falling asleep for the night. He does get a few cat naps here and there during the morning and evening but usually no more then 10 minutes at a time. 

He hasn't been too fussy while awake but I'm confused because this doesn't seem like a newborn sleep pattern. Part of it is probably that the afternoon is when DD naps too so we're at home and he's in his own dark, quiet room which isn't the case in the morning.

Should I be trying harder to get him to nap more throughout the day? I just figured newborns sleep when they need to - is this wrong? 

DD february 2010 | DS october 2011

*please excuse my typos, bumping from my iphone*
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