Single Parents

How long did it take your child to adjust?

I left my husband almost 2 weeks ago, and my son is having a very hard time adjusting to our new surroundings.  It's been hard because we're staying with my friends' family, and living in their basement until I can get an apartment.  We don't have a lot of our own stuff around us, and it took him several days before he was even comfortable falling asleep on his own.  He did finally start getting used to being here, but then he went and stayed at his dad's for a night, in his old room, and now he's been having an even harder time than before.  I feel like he knows what's going on and it's making me feel like a horrible mother.  I just don't know what to do for him.

How long did it take before your kid(s) got used to the new situation/surroundings, and being passed back and forth from place to place? I've tried to keep our routine the same, but other than that, is there anything you can think of that I can do to make this easier on him?

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