Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Babywearing - Ring Slings Linen

Hi Ladies,

I'm a newbie here and going to be a first time mom. I'm researching and looking into baby gear right now. I am interested in a ring sling. I've decided on a linen ring sling because where I live tends to get fairly warm.

I'm just having trouble deciding on whether to go with a single layer linen or double layer linen. I've read that the double layer offers more support especially when the baby is heavier or in her toddler years. The single layer is great for newborns and infants and can support up to 23 lbs. Obviously, the double layer is more expensive. But I rather make the investment now then to end up having to purchase a second one later on because I need the double layer.

I plan to wear the sling with the baby around the house, during naps, and light standing at gatherings. Pretty much I plan to wear it for lounging....not for intensive activities or walks. I plan to use my Ergo for that.

What is your experience with the single/double layer slings? Which would you suggest? Is the single layer sufficient for what I plan to use the sling for?

Any suggestions and insight is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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