Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Successful PP sex!

Just thought I'd share with you fellow 6-7 weekers who are still waiting to try the PP sex for the first time that DH and I decided to take the plunge last night and it went really well!!   I was nervous of course, having read others' experiences and fully expecting it to be painful especially where I had my 2nd degree tear and stitches, but it was fine.  I think they key is PLENTY of K-Y, before you get started, and during, even if you have to take a break for a minute.  And I made sure to relax my body, not tense up and DH made sure to go VERY slow.  Just wanted to let others know that there is hope!  ; )
~~1st time Mom and Dad of a beautiful baby boy, and loving life!~~

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