2nd Trimester


I am currently pregnant with twins, and my co workers, who I see daily, for some reason feel the need, daily, to point out how big my stomach is. I think its the fact that they say it everyday combined with the way they say it that bugs me. The comments are, "You sure have grown since yesterday," Your not going to be able to fit in your jeans much longer," "Your stomach wasn't that big last week," "You sure are poking out now," "Wow, your getting big" etc., you get the point. I haven't responded much except to a couple people who have said it multiple times in the same day. I am sixth months pregnant, what in the world do you expect. I told one person, you really don't ever have to point out to a pregnant woman how big her stomach is, trust me, we know. The funny thing is, I haven't even gained much, other than in my belly, however they make it seem as though I'm huge now. My sister thinks its their way of bonding. Maybe it's me, but I don't feel like you making inappropiate comments is a bonding experience. I had to explain that it would be different for someone who hasn't seen me in a long time and comments on how much my LO's are going. Could just be my hormones....

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