Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Tummy Sleep

We've been having some rough days and nights with my LO who is 7 weeks.  We've done everything too..elevating crib, cutting out dairy and soy, caffeine (everything!), the chiropractor, etc.  Just a few days ago I decided to lay her down for her nap on her tummy and she slept for 3 hours!!  I haven't made the decision to put her on her tummy to sleep during the night just because i'm terrified of the increase of SIDS for tummy sleepers, however, she will never sleep for more than an hour and half on her back!  Anyone have something similar or know of someone who went through something similar? 


Last night was such a rough night of no sleep and I finally put her on her tummy at 4am and she slept until 9:30...poor thing!  I feel like she just wants to be on her tummy so badly.  




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