Upstate NY Babies

Since there's lots of talk of Dr appts and such. WDYT?

Natalie's 6 month appt was Tuesday. It was originally scheduled with one of the NPs I think.. that I really like.. But when I had taken Eve in for her pale skin/dark circles, they told me to bring her in for a followup in 8 weeks, and 8 weeks was the same day as Natalie's already scheduled appt. Eve's appt was with one of the drs, who I had not met until that appt of Eve's.. (I'm not gonna put names in here cuz I'm gonna end up badmouthing.. but those of you that go to this practice will probably know who i'm talking about), So i guess since they scheduled them at the same time, both girls appts got moved to the dr. 

So we go in, we were a few (like 5) minutes late, but they took us in right away.. so its not like we were holding anyone up.. The nurse comes in.. asks me all the questions about Natalie's development and stuff.. and does the girls weights and everything. All fine and normal up until this point. Well then the Dr pops his head in and he says that we're going to do the shots and Eve's finger prick FIRST, before he does their exams.. Oh and he told me that Eve needed another shot, even though she was supposedly all up to date at her 30 month and no one had mentioned it. 

So basically everything goes to hell. Eve has a complete meltdown about the finger prick and shot.. She was in a mood anyway.. and she cried so hard I thought she was going to throw up.  So it took forever to get her calmed down and then they came and did Natalie's shots. Natalie was OK with it.. only cried a second..

So we wait a little bit and finally the dr comes in. Does a 2 second exam on Natalie.. Doesn't even look at Eve. (keep in mind he told me she had allergies originally causing the circles, so wouldn't he at least want to check her nose/throat/ears?) I have been concerned that Natalie has a dairy sensitvity because she tends to get REALLY red, sort of rashy looking cheeks after she has a bottle (formula, but she's better on the sensitive kinds). So I asked him about that.. and he said "OK I'll check it out".. and then DIDNT say anything about it, until I asked again when he was leaving, when he completely dismissed and he told me she was "blushing". He went over Eve's iron numbers (they went up a little), their weight and height percentiles (Which were at least partially wrong) and then basically rushed out of the room. I didn't get a chance to ask any questions.. He never even MENTIONED Nat's reflux meds, or her symptom's etc.. When he left, even Eve said "He didn't listen to my belly!"

I kind of want to call back and request a do-over appt, at least for natalie. But is that an a-hole move? I'm sure I could just say I want to discuss her reflux meds and stuff but I don't want to be calling and bitching about the dr. I definitely will avoid this Dr in the future and am never ever going to schedule their appts together again.. but would you call for another appt?

Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
baby growth
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