2nd Trimester

Does anyone have asthma?

Hey all! I'm a new poster at the bump! But I love reading the boards. My question is this: I'm a lifelong asthma sufferer; while it is usually under control I usually have a flare up once a year. And now is the time! I am trying to avoid any kind of steroids because they freak me out and I don't feel they are safe at all for the baby. So I have been using the nebulizer with Xopenex (supposedly as safe as albuterol without the pulse-racing side effects) and taking a Z-pack. I just worry about this medicine and the baby, but then I also worry about not getting enough oxygen to the baby. Last night I was in tears as I did the nebulizer. Come to think of it, I don't really have a question so much as I'd like to know if anyone else deals with this. I wish I had more movement from the baby as "reassurance" but s/he is still so small!
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