Single Parents

Follow up to first court appearance

I went to court on Monday for the Motion for Temp. CS. It was the first time I'd seen her father since the hospital. (7.5m). I was horribly nervous. And then when he came in I realized he was about to throw up and all my worries went out the window. He hasn't seen her, called to check on her, asked to see her, or paid anything. The state says he owes me X, he offered to pay Y (teennnyyy tiny- it wouldn't even cover one week diapers/formula). Both atty's went in the judges chambers, presented their paperwork, spoke their arguments and the judge will make a ruling. When? We don't know. Might be this week. Might be February.

The judge did decide that he should have 4 visitations before January. The first one is to take place this Saturday, at my home for 4.5 hours. The next 3 visits he gets to take her. And there's not a damn thing I can do about it.

And that's that.    ~sigh~

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