Babies: 0 - 3 Months

5/6 week old - how much happy awake time?

I get about 1-1.5 hrs of happy awake time (incl eating) out of DD in a row before she gets fussy. When that happens I put her in the swing and she's out within 10 min. This cycle happens about 3x a day. She either falls asleep or fusses/cries for an hour  after the other feedings. How much happy time is everyone else getting?
TTC since 12/07 Me: 33, no known issues DH: 33, azoospermia 1 Failed IVF/no transfer 3 transfers, 1 fresh, 2 FET, ALL c/p 3rd IVF: It's a GIRL!!! 7lbs., 3oz., 19.5 inches of perfection! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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