Upstate NY Babies

Recommend a pediatrician in binghamton area??

Hello everyone, once i found out i was pregnant i posted on here asking for obgyn recommendation & i went with the one suggested. I absolutly love her & couldnt be happier with my dr!! So, im leaving this up to you all to help me with this one :) I need a pediatrician, my baby will be here soon & i still dont have one! I also have an almost 5 year old....

the only prefrences i have is that he/she is personable! i cant deal with not friendly people :P & also (please no one take this offensivly) someone who speaks english... NOTHING against anyone what so ever, i just have a very hard time understanding foreign drs and im also the type of person who needs things to be explained very thoroughly, so mixing the two just doesnt work for me.

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