Single Parents

I need your help. Especially BGG or achase...

DD's BD has a restraining order against him from me. Due to him breaking and entering my parents house while drunk, and multiple other offenses. He is not on the BC, but his father begged to see DD so BD has been meeting up with DD and I on a somewhat regular basis for a few hours a week. 

I was told by the victims advocate in my state, that as long as I don't report the violation, the visits with BD are okay, but if I choose to report him, he will be punished and not me. I have been (very stupid I know) meeting up with him to try and avoid court costs which will burden my family since I do not have the financial standing for the thousands of dollars these hearings require.

All was well until he brought the girl he has cheated on my with while we were married (we got the marriage annulled before DD was born) to Santa pictures with DD. I was so mad and hurt, I told him I didn't think I was comfortable meeting this week. His father calls me and starts criticizing me saying I am just as bad as he is, etc. I hang up the phone after I hear BD, his HW and entire family mocking me in the background.

I need an attorney. And advice. Please help me. I have created a terrible mess and I am so scared for my DD. Their house is filled with books and movies about rape, murder and cannibalism as well as over a hundred deadly weapons and grotesque "art." I cannot handle it if my miracle of a child has to go there.  

I feel physically ill and incredibly stupid to believe that kindness would make him realize we can figure out how to be a family. Even a separated one...  

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