Babies: 0 - 3 Months

2 month shots - Wow!

DD had her 2 month shots today, and I was a wreck!  I was nervous that these seemingly horrific shots would turn my sweet little girl into a screaming, inconsolable mess.  As they were holding her down, she was happy as a bluejay, cooing away at them.  Then she got all three shots, turned bright red and started silent crying (and then Mommy started crying too!).  I picked her up, consoled her for maybe 45 seconds to a minute, then BAM - out like she had been punched by Mike Tyson.  Slept most of the day, and went down for bed like a champ.  She did fantastic other than being a little more needy - but on a cold, rainy day like today, who doesn't want to snuggle with a warm baby?  GL to all the mommies waiting for their LO's shots! 
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