Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Should it sill hurt?

(warning may be TMI for some!) I had my baby almost 2 weeks ago and for the last week i have had incredible pain in my clitoris area, not the birth canal so much, but more like i got a blockage in my urethra or something. I had a lot of trouble peeing after i gave birth i have seen a doctor about it and he gave me meds for an infection but i am on day three of three of those with one pill left to take and the pain has not gotten any better :( Someone mentioned that I might have a torn urethra but wouldn't that make me unable to pee? I did have a 3rd degree tear, but that feels like it is healing up well. The only thing that bothers me is I seem to be bleeding more on the top/front of my pads than in the middle where one would expect the most to be. This was my first vag. birth, before I had two c-sections so this pain is all new to me, is it normal? Anyone else experience anything like this post birth? What was your experience and when did it get better for you?
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