Single Parents

This is what I deal with...

DS had a check up at the pedi today.  As per our decree, I texted XH how it went. 

Me: "Dr. went well.  DTP, MMR, and chicken pox vaccines. Hemoglobin was 12.4 so much better.  X% height, Y% weight.  Back at 18 months."

XH: "Alright, good to know.  Hope is isn't short and fat like I was!!! With that big belly it isn't looking good! Thanks for letting me know how it went!  I look forward to hearing how his iron level is at!"  (yes, that's alot of exclamation points)

Me: "His belly sticks out bc of the curvature of his spine.  All toddlers are like that and it'll fade as he grows.  Iron level was 12.4 which is good."

XH: "Oh my goodness, I was being sarcastic as I know just as much about child development as you, also you said his iron level wouldn't be in until later, thanks for the anatomy lesson though.  I was just hoping we could smile as we talk about the boy but that's not gonna"

Me: "Wow.  Not sure where all that came from."

XH: "Just trying to express my gratitude and have a laugh about our boy, I wish we could do that from time to time is all CPA.  If the roles were reversed you would understand is all."

Me: "I made a statement and you jumped all over it for no reason, taking it completely out of context."

It's like a switch gets flipped...I wasn't trying to throw anything in his face, I was simply telling him a fact that I recently learned and found interesting but he took it as an attack.  What does SP say?  Is he first class on the crazy train or did I say something inappropriate that seemed sarcastic and judgmental?

imageimage. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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