Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Sleeping....what is going on??

So my LO is 9 weeks old.  She slept 6 hours on Saturday night and 7 hours on Sunday night - the longest streches by far for her.  Then all of the sudden Monday night, it took forever for her to fall asleep because she suddenly HATED her crib and then only slept 3-4 hour stretches both Monday and Tuesday night.  Every time she was laid back in her crib, her eyes instantly were open and she was kicking and screaming.  It takes 2 hours to get her back to sleep.  What is going on?  Is anyone else experiencing this?  Why the sudden short streches of sleep again?  Or were the long ones just a fluke? :)
TTC Since 2/09... BFP 12/26/09 - Missed miscarriage (6 weeks), D&C 1/28/10, BFP 4/23/10 - Miscarriage (18 wks 4 days) due to Turner's Syndrome, Delivered Lyla Ann on 7/29/10, BFP 12/10/10 - Natural miscarriage (5 weeks 6 days) 12/23/10, BFP 2/2/11 - EDD: 10/15/11 - Stick baby stick!!
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