Babies: 0 - 3 Months

How much does your 5 week old cry/fuss?

Mine will have a few stretches of maybe 10 minutes of "play" time where she's alert & attentive.  Other than that, if she's not on my boob, she's crying.  It feels like hours & hours every day.  I can't even put her in her bouncy seat so I can pee without her hysterically crying.  We put the swing up in the attic because she cried every time we put her in there.  If I'm not holding her, she's crying.  Even then, she has to be at my boob or she's hysterical.  I never let DD1 cry this much, but with a toddler, I just can't do everything at once.  It seems like she's crying an awful lot.  She's already on Prevacid for reflux, and I cut all traces of dairy out of my diet weeks ago.

Is this normal?  Like hours of crying a day :(

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