Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Xp: sleep help

My dd is 7 weeks old..was in the nicu for a week..a few days after we brought him home he had major gas issues and the only relief he would get is to lay on my chest. We discovered his issue was tongue tie which caused his gas. After a few weeks we finally got it fixed and his gas issues under control but he still won't get off my chest. I'm hoping to implement the baby whisperers  shh/pat method as I'm already doing a lose EASY routine. I watch for sleep cues start the wind down routine within an hr of being awake. Can someone explain in detail how they shh/pat. Sometimes he will put himself to sleep in the crib if I put him down VERY drowsy but is up screaming within 20 minutes. I know she says to stay with him but but when he jolts awake and sees me he ends up being wide awake and starts smiling and will not go back to sleep unless I hold him. Today for one nap he was awake for over a half hour after the jolt and then finally started his tired cry and the shhh/pat does nothing but keep him awake. 


So my question really is what does your wind down routine for naps look like? How long? How long from when you put him down do you leave th room? If you have to do the shhh/pat how long do u do it for? Do u have baby on back or side like book says? 

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