Single Parents

Well... That was unpleasant

Just got off the phone with STBXH.  I called because he has been living at my aunt's place and needs to move out by the beginning of the year.  I needed to know where he's going in order to finish my paperwork.  During that conversation I brought up that I have very seriously been considering changing our daughter's last name to reflect my maiden name and giving our son my maiden name when he's born, to make things easier on the kids and with paperwork stuff, and that I wanted his opinion before I made a final decision.  He went off on me about how traditional he is, and that because they are HIS kids they should have his last name no matter what.  Even after admitting that it would be better for the kids to have my last name he kept arguing about it...  The thing is, he's only trying to see our daughter once a month or so and only for an hour or so at a time.  He doesn't call regularly, has not been to one doctor's appointment for our son since before I filed for divorce, and he's not paying child support.  He keeps talking about how I'm getting everything, and he's being left with nothing.  I've more or less given up on explaining that I'm trying to let him be as involved as much as possible, and that while I get all the extra time with the kids, I'm also the one who is providing everything for them that they need.


Not really looking for advice, just needed to vent.  Thanks for listening (well, reading...).

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