2nd Trimester

Repost from 1st Trimester - question re: ultrasound to determine birth defect risk

So just got home from Dr.  Saw a different dr today due to rotation, and was okay with it.  The checked my weight - which I have lost 6 more lbs, blood pressue, urine, etc.  The dr asked if I had any concerns or problems, and I said no.  He said "well it is still too early for us to hear a heartbeat, but did (regular dr) ask you about having an ultrasound to determine risk factor for birth defects".  He then explained that due to me being 30 my normal risk is 1 in 400, but this would tell if it is more or less.  We scheduled it for 12/29 in which I will be 12w5d, but I am unsure about it.  He said depending on the position of the baby we may be able to tell the sex of the baby when we do this as well.  He said it is standard pratice of care, but I still don't know.

 Any thoughts?  Did you have it? Were you able to determine the sex?

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