2nd Trimester

NT Scan

I have my First Trimester NT Scan on Monday and I'm a little nervous.  I just pray that everything is okay and that our sweet little baby is healthy as healthy can be!  I've been looking at this board even though I'm still in the 1st Trimester and some of you have been posting that they found out the sex of the baby during the NT Scan.  I was surprised because I didn't realize you can find out that early?  I've heard that the u/s technician can take a guess at it but the percentage of accuracy is only about 80%.  I'm not sure if I would even want them to guess if they can be wrong but at the same time I am dying to know.  Haha. Has anyone found out the sex of the baby this early and later found out it was wrong?  Or is it usually pretty accurate?  No matter what...if it's a boy or a girl, I would be so happy and truly blessed!!!!!!

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