Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Cosleeping by accident

The past few days/nights my DD has been having trouble sleeping on her back, even if she is in the RNP at an incline. My friend (who is an occupational therapist that works with infants and their swallowing reflex) said it seems that my DD has reflux. The only way she seems to get any relief is if she is sleeping on her stomach.

I am way to nervous about SIDS, so I have been having her sleep on my stomach instead of alone in her crib or PNP.. which obviously has hindered my own sleep.

Have I caused my DD to only associate "sleep" with "mommy's chest" ?

Also, if any of you have LOs with reflux, what have you done to alleviate some of their discomfort?

TIA :-)

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