2nd Trimester

Off Topic: Work complaint.

Today we launched a new system for viewing customer tickets. So when a customer emails in, it creates a ticket and we can view them and answer them and what not.

So first off...the new system is so confusing. So hard to use. Not a huge fan.

Second off... all internal systems are down! haha So even if any of the 15 of us understood the new ticket system  and could reply (oh yeah...the reply button in the new ticket thing DOES NOT WORK) ....we can not actually do anything about it because we can not view customer accounts.

Mind you...this is a video game company ....but when someone has a question on the money they spent in game (which is what I handle) ...they get MAD. So I am very much not looking forward to the tickets to come since we can not do anything at this exact moment.

Good thing I am off at 2pm today...only 2 hours left to go!


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