Babies: 0 - 3 Months

help with pumping!

I need help understanding how pumping and supply works. I've been struggling with BFing...i've been in so much pain in my one side that I've cried and cried. I have sharp pains shooting in my boob and nipple and let down is just so awful I have to grit my teeth.  I went to the dr today for my 6 week appt and he said there's nothing wrong other than clogged milk ducts and asked why I don't just quit BF and switch to formula. I really don't want to do that. I feel like pumping hurts less and I might actually get some sleep since my DD likes to "snack" and falls asleep a lot while eating. I've pumped a few times but only when I need to go out in public.  Do I need to pump every two hours since that is how often she eats? or  can I space it out? Is pumping the solution to my problem? TIA
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