2nd Trimester

Mom's on 2nd+ preg, curiosity question

So we found out last week that we're having another boy.  I told DH this means we have to look for a name.  If it had been a girl , we were going to use the name we had picked out for the 1st preg (we were team green last time & had 1 name for boy, 1 for girl).

I told DH that I was pretty sure I still had our list saved from the 1st preg & we could go off that (trying to spare him from going through the book again since he HATED that).  He said "I can't use those!  They were names I liked for [DS]!"  I said "So, you can't use a boys name you liked enough to put on your list before because that was during preg #1, but it would have been OK to use the girls name we picked out if [DS] had been a girl?"  His reply was "Well I think that's a really pretty name"  LOL!

Anyone else feel (or does your DH feel) like you have to start over from scratch with names for each pregnancy because you don't want to use a name that you liked (even if it wasn't the final name) for a previous pregnancy?

Dylan Gabriel 04/29/10 Aiden Drake 04/28/12
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