Babies: 0 - 3 Months

One month old ready to drop feeding?

Our formula fed LO is just over a month old & has been eating 3-4oz about every 4 hours.  She has taken longer stretches on occasion.  We start her bedtime routine at 7pm with bottle, bath or wash up, pjs, swaddle & crib.  She usually goes down about 7:30-8ish.  Then we feed at 11pm, but the last several nights she does not want to wake or to feed.  We get 2oz at the most.  Should we drop this feeding?  Do you think that is what she is trying to tell us?  I wish she could drop the 3am one instead...should I push back her bed time to attempt to get her to sleep that longer stretch when we are actually sleeping?  TIA! 

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