Single Parents

Any advice for my OFP hearing tomorrow?

I have a hearing for my OFP tomorrow bright and early. I am extremely nervous. I know I won't have to see STBXH as he is in jail but he will be on a TV screen and even that freaks me out.

All I know is that they will ask me why I think I should be granted the OFP and I have to talk about his abuse and threats. My lawyer said it's not even necessary for him to attend as it's very easy. It doesn't stop me from being incredibley nervous about it though.

Has anyone gone to one of these before? Any tips or pointers? The domestic abuse shelter has a copy of the police report (as do I) and they are also trying to get the pictures of the night he attacked me, they wouldn't release them to me for some reason.

ETA: I am not sure if I stated this in the past or not but my original story was posted as ChunkyMunkey. I just decided to post from my original name. So for those of you that had read that, this is where I am now.

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