2nd Trimester

Maternity leave

If you are working, how does your maternity leave work? I have been under a different impression all this time, and the things I am finding out are now throwing quite a wrench in our plans.

I get 12 weeks unpaid time off. I can use my sick + vacation leave to cover that time. We can share leave with others, but I only within the first 6 weeks, and must exhaust all of our own leave before using shared leave. I have 34 days of my own leave that I can use, and because that is beyond the first 6 weeks, I cannot use shared leave (even though others have offered to give me some of their leave). So basically, if I want the full 12 weeks, I will need to take the remaining 21 days unpaid.

Just wondering if there is something more out there (disability insurance?) that I'm not aware of. 

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