2nd Trimester

It's a Girl!!!! But measuring small??

We went today for our U/S and its a girl!! I am in total shock bc I was sure it was a boy! I've been looking at boy clothes(thankfully I havent bought anything) and even looking at boy nursery stuff. I am happy either way just shocked! Her name will be Emma Kate! we love the two first names! Living in the south that is very common!

My midwife says that the baby is measuring small. Not too sure what that means?! Ill be 17 weeks on friday and the baby is only 5 ounces. They told me she should be around 7 ounces. I go back in 4 weeks to see if she has caught up. My midwife wasn't worried about it bc I am only 5'1. But it worries me! Has anyone else had this issue?!!

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