Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Chamomile tea-reposted from Nov 2011

My baby is gassy.  I used gas drops and last night they didn't seem to be working last night.  So I tried gripe water, which worked well.  Then in my sleepless state I began to worry that I did not call my doctor before giving them to her (it was past midnight, it didn't seem like an emergency).  So I called today and the nurse spoke with the ped. and they said gripe water is ok to give but it is not part of what they recommend.  What they do recommend is gas drops or chamomile tea (1 ounce cooled either given straight in a bottle or mixed with the formula, can give twice a day).  Has anyone tried this?  If so did it work?  What brand did you use?  In my brief research on the net most people seem to say it works.  I came across one person who said she heard of a story of a baby getting very sick and even close to death, which of course scared me.  Now this may be a stupid question but I use the calming night lotion and bath soap which I think has chamomile in it and she never had an allergic reaction.  Does that mean she is not allergic to chamomile?  TIA
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