Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Help! Angry pooper

My poor DD is generally pretty mellow but when she has to poop or has gas she screams bloody murder. It can last for a long time sometimes and I can hear her stomach gurgling. She grunts and screams and throws her head back, she just seems miserable. It's much worse at night time.

What I've tried...I've cut out citrus, spicy foods and dairy from my diet. I give her Mylicon regularly after feedings. Before bed we do a bath to relax her and try to calm her stomach. I bicycle her legs when she is gassy. After each feeding I burp her and keep her upright for at least 15 minutes.

Nothing is helping! I am stressed when I BF her at this point because I feel like my milk is upsetting her stomach. At night, she will nurse and then fall asleep for about 20 mins, and then be up again screaming and writhing until next feeding.

I don't know if this is normal (never had this with my DS) or if I need to talk to lactation or my ped. Anyone relate and what did you do?

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