Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Humidifier Questions (XP Oct 2011)

DD has a bit of congestion, so I pulled out our cool mist humidifier last night to try.  I have never used a humidifier before.

I had it running on high all night long.  The directions say it can't be on the floor, on wood furniture or on a towel, so I had it sitting on an overturned laundry basket about 3 feet from the co-sleeper and our bed.

Should I have noticed a difference in the air??  Because I didn't. 

I know it was working because I saw the mist coming out.  I just don't know if it needs to be closer, or if our room is too big for the air to be saturated (it isn't that big of a bedroom), or if having our ceiling fan on made a difference somehow? 


Married 08/18/07
BFP 02/15/11 EDD 10/27/11 Born at 35w3d on 09/25/11
BFP 10/13/12 EDD 06/25/13
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