TTC after 35

Post-lap update

So, I had my hysteroscopy and laparoscopy yesterday.  They removed a uterine polyp during the hysteroscopy and I think scraped me out a bit, too.  According to what my RE told my husband (who took notes, bless his heart, because I was still out) the lap was totally fine.  No endo, tubes open, etc.  So I guess that's good news . . . but of course my first thought was "if my anatomy is totally fine, then my eggs must be total crap!"

The anesthesia treated me well -- I wasn't even groggy when it wore off, though it took me a while to be able to pee despite the four glasses of liquid I drank (they make sure you can pee before you leave).  I have shoulder pain from the CO2 gas they pumped into my abdomen during the lap, a bit of a sore throat from the breathing tube, and a little pain at the incision sites if I bend the wrong way too quickly -- but nothing that can't be managed with Tylenol (I haven't even dipped into the Vicodin they prescribed -- I slept fine overnight).  All of the doctors and nurses came and spoke to me before the surgery and everyone was very nice and helpful.  Honestly the worst part of this whole thing was not being able to eat or drink between midnight and my early-afternoon surgery!  

So now I'm home recuperating but I think I'm going to be tempted to go back into work by Friday.  I would not be tempted to go in at all if not for the fact that I'm also taking 10 days off over the holidays.  I'd rather my "real" vacation be as low-stress as I can make it.  :-)

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