2nd Trimester

just venting...

ok so my older girls went to a freinds house to play w their friends i later get a call about  my youngest and her cousin(who had nothing to do w my kids playing) had started some trouble and some where in the mix my youngest who is 7 was told to not come back and was left at the park( this i found out later) i chalked it up to my neice causeing the trouble bc thats all she does  well i find out bc of my neice that my youngest was told to not come back and i wasnt told about it i go to pick up my girls and find one kid and not the other i was told shes w  inlaws just down the raod so i went and she wasnt there i was told she was w my aunt who ownes a buisness i called her and  i flipped out bc she was confussed and i found out thats where my youngest was...so now im pissed and syressed out over a couple kids  who think they are adults and can tell others what to do  i cant stand parents who let their kids think that hardly any parents anymore care to watch their kids and just let them run off and do what ever im very strict and cautious about that...i feel a lil better
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