Babies: 0 - 3 Months


Anyone  else's LO cry alot?

My DS seems to cry all the time!!!!

He was just diagnosed with reflux so I accredit some of the crying to that but like today he has been up for 9 hrs straight! NO NAPS!!!!!

He takes these micro naps 5-10 mins then wide awake or wide awake and crying.

I feel like I have tried everything. The swing, we have a RNP, I walk with him, I sit and talk to him, make sure he doesnt have a dirty diaper, make sure he isnt hungry....the list goes on!

I dont know what to do and I seriously feel like Im gonna lose it.

I expected my LO to cry but not for 9 hrs straight!

I dunno what to do. Does anyone have a crier too? We go Friday for his 2 month appt so Im planning on asking his pediatrician about it then.

HELP ME in the mean time! PLEASE!

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