Babies: 0 - 3 Months

How did you know your LO was allergic to the formula you used?

Hello, I dont post/comment much but I would like to know some of the symptoms that may show LO is allergic to the formula we're using.

I initially BF and supplemented with Enfamil but switched to Good Start Gentle when LO was about 2 1/2 weeks old. I have stopped BF'ng and now just use formula. She's been spitting up with every feeding now...this started about 5 days ago. She also broke out in a rash all over her forehead, cheeks, chin, ears, behind the ears and neck. I also noticed a few tiny bumps on her arm. I took her to the Pedi yesterday and she said its eczema and prescribed some cortisone cream. However, last night she spit up about an ounce of formula after being burped so now I'm thinking maybe she's allergic to the formula. She's also a little irritated after feedings and has trouble sleeping.

Any advice would be helpful. TIA.

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