Babies: 0 - 3 Months

LO hungry or needy?

Hey mamas,

My LO seems like she wants to eats all the time. What I mean is she will eat, seem content for about 10-20 minutes, then she freaks out with inconsable crying. I will try everything to settle her down from cuddling to swaying to passing her off to DH to her swing but nothing seems to really calm her for an extended time except if I let her eat again. She has never turned away eating.  Now last night I thought it might be gas so I gave her some gas drops after feeding her but those didn't seem to help much. I'm trying to breastfeed the most that I can but I can't keep up with her all the time if she is eating every hour. She only weighs 7 lbs 0 oz and the pedi is monitoring her weight gain. The pedi had suggested to give her a bottle of formula if she doesn't seem content after a feeding so I have started giving her one bottle of formula at night which she takes like a champ and passes out right after she downs the bottle. I'm wondering if I am not producing enough for her and that is why she is acting like this or if it is something else all together like gas or perhaps something I'm eating that doesn't agree with her?  This behavior has been going on for over a week now and at first it was mainly in the evening (which I just told myself she was cranky from her day/it was the "bewitching hour") but now this behavior is starting to work into our day as well! Does this sound similar to anything anyone else is going through? 

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