Single Parents

Cherish what you have

A girl I went to HS with,well  her beautiful daughter has been fighting for cancer the last year..she's only 3 years old. I have been watching her status updates closely and praying. Well, sadly 3 yr old Morgan past way recently, as of December 11th....heres the message her mom left..

?2am this morning my angel found her wings... she sure left her mark on all of us: she taught many how to love minute by minute, to hold each other a little tighter, what things matter, what problems aren't so bad. She only knew how to give love, something we all need to do more freely: and she endured more than most... please don't waste even a moment with your children and count your blessings daily ....
? i miss you already, mom

i hope you can understand my phone will be off today,

This breaks my heart. I bawled my eyes out. I can't image my life without my daughter. Plz pray for her family.

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