Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Dealing with all the trails of parenthood...

I'm having the hardest time getting myself to realize I can do this whole "motherhood" thing.  The thing that is the hardest is feeding.  I can't seem to keep up with DS - he needs to gain weight so I'm having to supplement.  With washing the bottles, the pump attachments, etc...I feel like all I do is feed!  I'm feeding every 3 hours, which I know will get better, but wow, it's hard to do anything else especially when all I want to do is hold DS and not fight with him while nursing.

How do you get ANYTHING done?  DH is home for a few more days, but after that, I think I'm going to have a hard time juggling everything.  I know this sound pitiful, but seriously, any tips?

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