Single Parents

Contacted his ex

My STBXH has another son by an ex-girlfriend. He would be about 7 years old now. All while we (ok, I) was trying to work things out in our marriage, I wanted to contact her to let her know that her son has a half-brother, but did not as I felt that was STBX's decision. When she was in her 3rd trimester she told STBX that she did not want him to be a part of their life and she refused any money he gave her to help her. His name is not on hte birth certificate. She never went after him for child support and he never went after her for visitation rights (yet our entire relationship he would mention his son... made me really anxious about being pregnant).

I decided that since STBX and I are no longer together, I did not have to worry about appeasing him so I went ahead and sent her a message on facebook, basically saying that "As I understand it STBX is the biological father of your son. He does not know that I am contacting you, nor do I plan to tell him. I wanted you to know that your son has a half-brother named DS, etc." There was more, and it was worded better. That is just the cliff notes.

To be honest, I kind of hope she contacts me back as I would like for DS to get to know his brother. But I do understand that she needs to protect her son and I have no idea what she has told him about STBX or if he even knows about him.

Has anyone been in a situation like this?

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