Single Parents

i'm scared

....that's all.

I take DD to get swabbed for the paternity test on Friday and our scheduling conference is Jan 9th. I talked to his STBXW the other day and she was telling me how irrational & uncalled for he was at their scheduling conference last week (he's petitioned the court for sole physical & legal custody of their 3kids because he doesn't like that they take baths at night and not in the morning, her boyfriend (of 2+ years) lives there with them, and she had a sitter put the kids on the bus one morning because she had to go to work early. Seriously, I read his petition and it's ridiculous!)

I've never had to do anything involving the courts other than for work (yeah i work in the very courthouse that my hearing is coming up in, talk about embarassing that everyone now knows my business). So it's just a bit nerve wrecking to me. The unknowns of what's going on. I did apply for legal aid and they said it "sounds like" I qualify but they can't complete my application until we get paternity established. So as SOON as that's done, I'll be reapplying definitely.

No real point to this post I guess, just needed to get it out and off of my mind. It's been an amazing 3 months & it sucks that now the "fun" is about to start. I wish he'd just disappear & go back to his home country! But wishes are reserved for Disney moviesSad


Happy Monday ladies :)

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