Babies: 0 - 3 Months

What should I dress DD in while in the Moby wrap?

I bring DD#1 to the playground for about an hour most days, and I put DD#2 in the Moby.  I'm really unsure about what she should be wearing to keep her warm.  She is so snuggled in there, I'm afraid of her overheating if I dress her too warmly.  When she is in the Bjorn, I dress her in one of those thick bear suits, because she is much more exposed.

 Right now, its in the low 40s.  When it was a little warmer, I just had her in her regular cotton feetie pj's or fleece pj's and a fleece hat.  The only other thing I have a bear suit, and I feel like that is too warm if she is cuddled up against me, especially if we stop at the store or something on the way home.

 What does your LO wear under the wrap when you go outside? 

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