Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Talk me off the (bfing) quitting edge...

I think i want to quit. 

I bf DD for 12 weeks and DS for FOURTEEN MONTHS.

i really have no idea why i want to quit... i just feel like my heart isn't in it this time around... my boobs hurt, they leak all over the place now... i get letdowns all the time, even when he doesn't need to eat... he fights me on the breast a few times a day...

i dunno... this is the last baby, so i need to be sure i won't ever regret it... but man... formula sounds so easy right now...

I tried a bottle on him last night during his random party from 2am-5am and his eyes bugged out like it was poison (not saying it is!!! lol)... poor kid..

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