Babies: 0 - 3 Months

breast milk in the nose to clear up a cold?

DD has been stuffed up for over a week and my sister told me to use breast milk the same as saline drops then suction out the mucus -- her pediatrician told her this.  I did it once or twice and it seemed to help.  Anyway, DD's cold seemed to be getting worse this morning so I just took her to the ER since we couldn't get in with our pediatrician until the 30th (!!!).  

Turns out it's just a regular cold, but the pediatrician at the hospital told me putting milk in the nose can cause pnemonia because it can get in the lungs.  So now of course I've been looking it up online and I have only found information supporting the idea of using breast milk like saline drops.  Have you ever heard it can be dangerous?  Also, I told her I had heard using bulb suction and saline drops every day can make it worse and she looked at me like I had three heads.  Has no one heard that before?  I want to trust the doctor but I haven't read anything that supports what she told me.

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