Single Parents

I need a lawyer....

Long story short, DH and I had been thinking about divorce for a while, and he moved out a few times. This last time I decided I want a divorce and it is over. I went to school that morning (a Saturday, so he was home with the kids) and he came and took my car (in his name only because I was a SAHM for so long) and he changed the locks on the apartment and threw all of my clothes outside in garbage bags. He later told me he re-newed the lease agreement without my knowledge two months prior and only put his name on it. 

He kept the kids from me for three days (we have two, a 4 yo and an almost 2 yo), and of course I called the police and cried and pleaded and they told me there was nothing they could do because they are his kids too and there is no custody agreement yet. Also because they car and apartment are in his name there is nothing I can do about that until be go to court either.

Finally after three days he started allowing me to see the kids. He knows though that I have no lawyer, no money to get one, no apartment, no money to get one, and I'm in school full time (with only two and  half months until I finish). He left me with nothing but a couple hundred dollars. I'm sleeping on a friends couch and visiting with the kids 3-4 days a week after school. I cook them dinner and do their baths and put them to bed, and then he comes home and I have to leave.

This is all killing me obviously. I'm an emotional mess and I have no idea what my next move should be. I know I need a lawyer, but I have no money at all, barely enough to eat. I have family that helped me with a car, but they dont have any money to help me get legal help or an apartment. Also, if we went to court right now, wouldn't he get custody anyway because I have no place to take them to and no money to support them? He has always been in control of the money, because I was SAHM, and he always had everything in his name too because of that.  

Advice? Please. 

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