Single Parents

Told my ex not to come to doctor appointments anymore

He flipped, which I knew he was going to do! I just dont think its fair that im still trying to move on and have to see him. He has gone and started a new relationship and everything all in a matter a 3 weeks of us breaking up. I just need my time to move on and get through this stress free. First he said he understands that I need my time but then he is like we dont have to talk or acknowledge each other at the appointments, yeah we can but I rather not be in your presence at all right now. Then he said well I dont want to be around you either, I said just pretend I dont exist and he says I already pretend you dont exist, ok so whats the issue if I tell you not to come to the appointments???

 Of course the next thing he says is no matter how much I try to forget him, ill never get over him and ill never find someone to treat me better than him etc. I told him get off his high horse and dont worry about who I end up with. He says he is coming to my appointment Tuesday. But after this one, im not giving him info on my next appointments because I dont want him there, if she was physically here thats one thing but she isnt yet and I need my time. How did you all deal with your exes wanting to attend doctors appointments?

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