Babies: 0 - 3 Months

FTM :) I have a question for those of us that had a Vaginal delivery...

Morning! Little Background, we were Team Green until Thursday--we welcomed Aniston Elizabeth into the world @4:45 in the afternoon--weighing in at 7lbs, 19inches :)

My Q is.. I did tear (3rd degree Crying) I have medicine.. I hate using pads-but I know I must use them. I feel like I am going thru them like they are FREE (they def aren't! lol).. I just don't like to feel.. dirty-ya know? Anyone else feel nasty like that??

Also (this happened to me twice lastnight) I rush to go potty & its like my water broke--just a gush of water that I can't control. I was ticked-I had to find some panties in the middle of the night (blah blah blah..) I have control of going pee- I haven't gone #2 yet.. Im just concerned about the 'water gush' thing. Anyone else go thru this??

I really don't know what to expect--Im sorry for the (if they are) silly questions!!!!

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Aniston Elizabeth, born @37wks, 12-8-11.. 7lbs & 19in.. 100% PERFECT!
Blog Time!!
the 3 faces of Aniston @ 6wks...
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