Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Fussy phase or colic?

DD is 5 1/2 weeks old and seems so fussy most of the time she's awake, either hungry or gassy, either way not really content. We are using Tiny Tummies, trying bicycling her legs, laying her over our knees nothing seems to really work. We just changed from Medela bottles to the Tommie Tippie so we are waiting to see if that makes a difference. Next step will be changing formulas. Any other suggestions?

Also, we are creating a monster!!! We were letting DD sleep on our chests because we were all sleeping better. She seems to be a stomach sleeper but we all know not to put them on their stomachs. We hold her and rock her til she falls asleep then put her in the bouncer or bassinet. She will only sleep for 1/2 hr to an hr before she wakes up crying. We can hardly put her down at all with out her fussing... How soon is too soon to let them soothe themselves. Its heartbreaking listening to her work her self up and bawling. I would love to hold her all day but I have to get some things done...HELP!!!

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