Babies: 0 - 3 Months

fighting the bottle...symptom of teething?

My LO has started an all out war with her bottle. I know she is hungry, but she only manages abotu 2-3 oz of her 5 oz bottle before shaking her head, pushing, arching her back, and freaking out. I did some research and found this could be a sign of teething and to wait it out. In the mean time she is not getting enough to eat and is cranky and not sleeping well during the day either.

I wouldn't be so concerned but she arches her back when she's eating and clearly doesn't want it, but also won't let go of the nipple! It's stressful for us both because I see the arched back as a clear indicator of pain.

Anyone have any advice or thoughts? She's 8 weeks 2 days old and has her 2 month checkup on Wednesday but I don't want her to wait 3 more days if she's still struggling.

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